CAVS Publications
Search Publications
Greenwood, A., Vanguri, S., Eksioglu, B., Pramod, J., Hill. T. W., Miller, J., & Walden, C. (2006). Simulation Optimization Decision Support for Ship Panel Operations. Decision Support System: Development and Application. Hyderbad, India: The Icfai University Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Eksioglu, S., Eksioglu, B., Walden, C., Jin, M., & Acharya, A. (2010). Automotive Distribution Network Design: A Support System for Transportation Infrastructure Decision Makers. International Journal of Business and Systems Research. 4(4), 379-401. [Abstract]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts
McCall, T. G., Walden, C., & Dalton, L. (2017). Enhancing the Manufacturability Methodology for Evaluating Product Designs with a Pilot Case Study. 2017 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management. Huntsville, AL. [Abstract]
Walden, C. (2015). Engineering Engagement with Regional Industries. 2015 SEC Symposium. Atlanta, GA. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Walden, C., Sheely, R. A., Boyce, G., Blankenship, M., Mullins, B., & Range, L. (2011). Innovative University-Community College Partnership to Enhance Problem Solving Skills within Mississippi Automotive Industry. 2011 Summit. Indianapolis, IN: University Economic Development Association.
Hill. T. W., Walden, C., Holt, R., & Greenwood, A. (2011). Pilot Tool for Linking Ship Design to Shipyard Simulation. Proceeding of ShipTech 2011 Conference. Biloxi, MS. [Abstract]
Hill. T. W., Greenwood, A., Holt, R., & Walden, C. (2010). Simulation Modeling: Obstacles Faced by Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises. In T. Doolen and E. Van Aken (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Reno, NV. [Abstract]
Holt, R., Simmons, L., Walden, C., Dennis, G., & Hill. T. W. (2010). Layout Analysis Using Discrete Event Simulation: A Case Study. Proceedings of IERC 2010. IERC 2010 Annual Conference; Cancun, Mexico. [Abstract] [Document]
Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Holt, R., McDowell, L., & Greenwood, A. (2010). Simulation Support for Manufacturing Systems Design and Operations. INFORMS Southern Regional Conference. Huntsville, Alabama.
Greenwood, A., Walden, C., & Hill. T. W. (2010). Intra-University Partnerships Enable Simulation Support for Industry. INFORMS Southern Regional Conference. Huntsville, Alabama.
Dennis, G., Simmons, L., & Walden, C. (2010). Rapid Commercialization of MRAP Vehicles - A Case Study. Mississippi Engineering Society Conference. Hilton Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi. [Abstract]
Holt, R., Simmons, L., Walden, C., Dennis, G., & Hill. T. W. (2009). Layout Analysis Using Discrete Event Simulation: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. IERC Annual Conference; Cancun, Mexico. [Abstract]
Simmons, L., Holt, R., Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2009). Lean Implementation in a Low Volume Manufacturing Environment: a Case Study. IERC 2010 Conference. Cancun, Mexico: IERC. [Abstract]
Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Dennis, G., & Sheely, R. A. (2008). Simulation Modeling: Breakthrough Technology for Small and Medium Size Manufacturers. Expanding Manufacturing Growth Potenial. Orlando, FL.: 2008 MEP National Conference . [Abstract]
Culver, P., Welch, J., & Walden, C. (2007). Decision Support System for Shop Capacity Planning Across Multiple Shipyards. ShipTech 2007. Biloxi, MS: Naval Metalworking Center. [Abstract]
LaRue, C., Hill. T. W., Miller, J., Welch, J., Walden, C., Dobson, G., & Coates, B. (2007). Post Katrina Response at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Using Modeling and Simulation. ShipTech 2007. Biloxi, MS: Naval Metalworking Center. [Abstract]
Miller, J., LaRue, C., Dobson, G., Walden, C., Hill, T., Welch, J., Mohr, D., & Greenwood, A. (2007). Post Katrina Response a Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Using Modeling and Simulation. ShipTech 2007. Biloxi, MS.
Culver, P., Hill. T. W., Dobson, G., LaRue, C., Miller, J., Welch, J., Walden, C., Vanguri, S., Greenwood, A., Finke, D., Byrne, C., & Coats, B. (2007). Decision Support for Shop Capacity Planning Across Multiple Shipyards. ShipTech 2007. Biloxi, MS.
LaRue, C., Greenwood, A., Hill. T. W., Miller, J., & Walden, C. (2004). Simulation Optimization Decision Support for Ship Panel Lines. Winter Simulation Conference 2004. Washington D.C.. [Document]
Walden, C. (). An Analysis of Variables Control Charts in the Presence of Measurement Error. Spring 1991 TIMS/ORSA Conference. Nashville, TN.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Carruth, D. W., Walden, C., Goodin, C., & Fuller, S. (2022). Challenges in Low Infrastructure and Off-Road Automated Driving. 2022 Fifth International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD). Detroit, MI, USA. 13-20. DOI:10.1109/MetroCAD56305.2022.00008. [Abstract] [Document Site]
McCall, T. G., Fuller, S., Dalton, L., & Walden, C. (2017). Manufacturability Assessment Knowledge-Based Evaluation (MAKE) and a Pilot Case Study. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2017 International Annual Conference. Huntsville, AL. [Document]
Dalton, L., McCall, T. G., & Walden, C. (2016). Introduction to the Development of a Manufacturability Assessment Methodology. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2016 International Conference. Concord, NC. [Abstract] [Document]
McCall, T. G., Walden, C., Gedik, R., Dalton, L., Watson, T. N., Dennis, G., & Burt, J. (2016). Taxonomy Based Assessment Methodology: Improving the Manufacturability of a Product Design. Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference. Anaheim, CA. [Abstract] [Document]
Hill. T. W., Greenwood, A., Holt, R., & Walden, C. (2011). Simulation Modeling: Obstacles Faced by Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises. In T. Doolen and E. Van Aken (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Reno, NV. [Abstract] [Document]
Simmons, L., Walden, C., & Holt, R. (2011). Preliminary Investigation into Problem Solving within Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises. Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Reno, NV. [Abstract]
Walden, C., & Greenwood, A. (2011). A Methodology for Evaluating Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises. Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Reno, Nevada.
Simmons, L., Holt, R., Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2010). Lean Implementation in a Low Volume Manufacturing Environment: A Case Study. IERC 2010 Conference. IIE IERC 2010 Conference, Cancun, Mexico. [Abstract] [Document]
Walden, C., & Greenwood, A. (2010). Consideration of Reliability and Validity Concerns within Assessments of Small and Medium Size Manufacturers. Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Cancun, Mexico: Institute of Industrial Engineers. [Abstract]
Walden, C., & Greenwood, A. (2009). Assessing Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises: A Taxonomy Based Approach. 2009 ASEM Conference Proceedings. Springfield, MO: American Society for Engineering Management. [Abstract]
Walden, C., Moore, J., Greenwood, A., & Babin, P. (2009). Pilot Application of a Taxonomy Based Assessment Methodology for Small and Medium Size Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Miami, FL: Institute of Industrial Engineers. [Abstract]
Greenwood, A., Hill. T. W., Vanguri, S., Walden, C., Miller, J., Eksioglu, B., & Jain, P. (2005). Simulation Optimization Decision Support for Ship Panel Lines. In M. E. Kuhl, N.M. Steiger, F.B. Armstrong, J.A. Joins (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference. Washington, DC. [Abstract] [Document]
Smyer, W., & Walden, C. (2003). Course Collaboration in IE: Bringing the Reality of Teaming into the the Classroom. American Society of Engineering of Engineering Education - Southeast Section Conference Proceedings. [Abstract]
Walden, C. (2002). Kaizen Events: Improving the Improvement Process. In R. Eyler Coates (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2002 Gulf Coast Lean Manufacturing Conference". Gulfport, MS. [Abstract]
Walden, C., & Bullington, S. (2001). Evaluating the Justification of Captial Equipment: A Factory Physics Perspective. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Dallas, Texas: Institute of Industrial Engineers. [Abstract]
Articles in Trade Journals and Popular Press
Steele, P., & Walden, C. (2006). MSU Unveils New Tool for Manufacturing: Furniture Industry Can Test Results before Implementation of System. Northeast Mississippi Business Journal. Journal Publication and the Community Development Foundation .
Technical Report
McCall, T. G., Dalton, L., Fuller, S., Watson, T. N., Wall, E. S., Campbell, S., Smith, B. K., Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2018). Developments of the Manufacturability Assessment Knowledge-based Evaluation (MAKE) and Application to Case Studies. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension.
McCall, T. G., Walden, C., Dalton, L., Watson, T. N., Fuller, S., Dennis, G., Wall, E. S., & Storey, J. K. (2017). Enhancements to the Manufacturability Knowledge-based Evaluation (MAKE) and a Pilot Case Study. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension.
Fuller, S., Puryear, S., & Walden, C. (2016). Port Utilization Measurement of Mississippi's Intermodal Ports. Mississippi State University: National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness. [Abstract]
Brasher, D., Dennis, G., Walden, C., Puryear, S., Hill. T. W., & Dalton, L. (2015). Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Case Study: Navistar Defense's Plant in West Point, MS. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research and Development Center.
McCall, T. G., Walden, C., Dalton, L., & Dennis, G. (2015). Manufacturability Assessment Methodology for Reducing Life Cycle Costs. U.S. Army Corps of Engineering, Vicksburg, MS: Engineering Research and Development Center. [Abstract]
Brasher, D. G., Dennis, G., Walden, C., Puryear, S., Hill. T. W., & Dalton, L. (2014). MRAP Case Study: Navistar Defense's Plant in West Point, MS. Technical Report: Manufacturability Assessment of Military Vehicles (ERS). Vicksburg, MS.: Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Vicksburg, MS.. [Abstract]
Sheely, R. A., Walden, C., & Sellers, A. J. (2011). Quarterly Report #5 ARRA/MDES Enhancing on the Job Problem Solving Training Program. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Employment Security.
Hill. T. W., Walden, C., Holt, R., Greenwood, A., & Saunders, C. (2011). Pilot Tool for Linking Ship Design to Shipyard Simulation - Final Report. Charleston, SC: National Shipbuilding Research Program, Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise. [Abstract]
Sheely, R. A., Walden, C., & Sellers, A. J. (2011). Quarterly Report #4 ARRA/MDES Enhancing on the Job Problem Solving Training Program. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Employment Security.
Walden, C., Sheely, R. A., Dennis, G., Puryear, S., & Tice, J. (2011). Rapid Commercialization and Manufacturing of Military Vehicles at Navistar Defense in West Point, MS. Mississippi State University, Canton, MS: CAVS Extension. [Abstract]
Sheely, R. A., Walden, C., & Sellers, A. J. (2010). Quarterly Report #2 ARRA/MDES Enhancing on the Job Problem Solving Training Program. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Employment Security.
Sheely, R. A., Walden, C., & Sellers, A. J. (2010). Quarterly Report #1: ARRA/MDES Enhancing on the Job Problem Solving Training Program. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Employment Security.
Walden, C., & Hill. T. W. (2010). NSRP Panel Project Status Report - Q1.
Sheely, R. A., Walden, C., & Sellers, A. J. (2010). Quarterly REport #3 ARRA/MDES Enhancinh on the Job Problem Solving Training Program. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Employment Security.
Walden, C., & Holt, R. (2009). Analysis of Customer Response Rates: Pilot Application of DOE to Mass Mail Marketing. In James Chapman (Ed.), technical report provided to SourceLink. Madison, MS: CAVS Extension. [Abstract]
Sheely, R. A., Puryear, S., & Walden, C. (2008). Mississippi Automotive Industry Impact Study: 2003-2007. A Statistical Report Summarizing the Growth and Change in the Mississippi Automotive Industry . Sponsored by Mississippi Development Authority and Entergy.
Greenwood, A., Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Holt, R., & Simmons, L. (2008). Simulation Modeling and Analysis Support for Seabasing Capability Studies. In Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis (Eds.), Technical Report Provided to Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding. Ocean Springs, MS . [Abstract]
Walden, C., Eksioglu, B., Puryear, S., Jin, M., Zhang, L., & Eksioglu, S. (2008). Analysis of Inbound Logistics: Prospective Automotive Assembly Sites. Submitted to Mississippi Department of Transportation. [Abstract]
Puryear, S., & Walden, C. (2008). Business Continuity Template for Small and Medium Size Manufacturers. CAVS Extension Technical Report.
Puryear, S., & Walden, C. (2008). Business Continuity Assessment Survey. CAVS Extension Technical Report.
Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Holt, R., & Greenwood, A. (2008). Pilot Tool for Linking Ship Design to Shipyard Simulation. CAVS Extension Technical Report.
Eksioglu, S., Eksioglu, B., Walden, C., & Jin, M. (2007). Automotive Distribution Network Design: A Perspective from Mississippi. Mississippi Department of Transportation. [Abstract]
Steele, P., Hill. T. W., & Walden, C. (2007). A Simulation Decision Support System for Rapid Comparison of Lean Vs Batch Furniture Manufacturing Systems. United States Forestry Service . [Abstract]
Walden, C. (2006). Impact of Generic Strategies on Manufacturing Assessments. CAVS Extension Technical Report. [Abstract]
Walden, C. (2006). Shingo Prize as a Model for Manufacturing Excellence. CAVS Extension Technical Report.
Walden, C. (2006). Model of Shared Cognitive Responsibility: Next Generation Engineering System for Supporting Operational Environments. CAVS Extension Technical Report. [Abstract]
Walden, C., & Miller, J. (2005). A Comparison of Taguchi and Traditional DOE Approaches Using Response Surface Methodology: An Automotive Case Study. CAVS Extension Technical Report. Canton, MS. [Abstract]
Jin, M., Wang, C., & Walden, C. (2004). System Performance Measures for Intermodal Transportation with a Case Study and Industrial Application. Technical Report provided to National Center for Intermodal Transportation.
Walden, C. (2003). Coupling Physical and Operational Models: Driving Manufacturing Systems Toward Optimization. CAVS Extension Technical Report. [Abstract]
Walden, C. (2001). The Role of Goldratt Thinking Process in Enterprise System Impementations. CAVS Extension Technical Report. [Abstract]
Hill. T. W., Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (). Faurecia Layout Analysis: Evaluation of Options Using Modeling and Simulation. Faurecia. Cleveland, MS.
Web Publications
Walden, C. (2015). CAVS Extension Impacting Mississippi and Manufacturing. Mississippi Works. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Development Authority. [Document Site]
Professional Presentations
Walden, C., Fuller, S., & Johnson, J. (2016). Statistical Process Control - SPC 101. Mississippi State University Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems - Extension; Canton, MS. [Abstract]
McCall, T. G., Dalton, L., & Walden, C. (2016). Manufacturability Assessment Knowledge-based Evaluation (MAKE). Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) Working Group Quarterly Meeting. Arlington, VA. [Document]
Fuller, S., & Walden, C. (2016). Minitab Statistical Software for Data Driven Problem Solving. Mississippi State University Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems - Extension; Canton, MS. [Abstract]
Dalton, L., Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2015). Manufacturability - MRAP Lessons Learned for Developing Future Military Vehicles. IIE Annual Conference & Expo 2015. ISERC 2015, Nashville, TN. [Abstract]
Walden, C., Dennis, G., & Jones, R. (2015). CAVS Extension Capabilities. Huntington Ingalls Conference Center - Pascagoula, MS. [Abstract]
Walden, C. (2013). Make It in Mississippi: A Broad Partnership for Accelerating Reshoring of Advanced Manufacturing Jobs. State Workforce Investment Board. Jackson Convention Center, Jackson, MS. [Document]
Moser, H., & Walden, C. (2013). Helping Companies Decide to Manufacture Locally: Reshoring and the Total Cost of Ownership. International Economic Development Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Walden, C., & Gallardo, R. (2013). Accelerating Jobs and Innovation Through Community and Economic Development in Rural Mississippi. White House Forum on Regional Innovation in Rural America. Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture. [Document]
Walden, C. (2012). MSU and Mississippi's Automotive Industry. Society of Manufacturing Engineers - Central Mississippi Chapter. Pearl, MS.
Walden, C. (2012). Impacting the South's Automotive Industry. Innovation Forum - Research Showcase. Chattanooga, TN: Southern Automotive Conference. [Document]
Walden, C. (2012). Reshoring: Challenges and Opportunities in Mississippi. MEP Advisory Board. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Technology Alliance.
Walden, C., Sheely, R. A., Greenwood, A., & Martin, B. W. (2012). Reshoring: Challenges and Opportunties. Reshoring Summit. Starkville, MS: Mississippi State University. [Abstract] [Document]
Greenwood, A., Moser, H., & Walden, C. (2012). Reshoring and Re-establishing Infrastructure for Domestic Upholstery Manufacturing. International Woodworking Fair 2012. Atlanta, GA.
Walden, C. (2012). Overview of Engineering Engagement at MSU. DeSoto Council - Plant Managers Meeting. Olive Branch, MS: DeSoto Council.
Moser, H., Walden, C., & Greenwood, A. (2012). Reshoring: Made in America. International Woodworking Fair. Atlanta, GA: American Home Furnishing Alliance. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Greenwood, A., & Walden, C. (2012). Using Simulation to Improve Organizational Performance. Manufacturing Summit - Manufacturing the Future: Strategies for Success in Furniture. Franklin Furniture Institute, Mississippi State University.
Hill. T. W., Holt, R., Greenwood, A., Walden, C., & Puryear, S. (2012). Mississippi Blood Services Simulation Demonstration. Flowood, MS.
Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2012). Plant Master Planning. Workforce Summit 2012. Manufacturing Solutions Center in Tupelo, MS: Itawamba Community College. [Abstract]
Walden, C., & Moore, J. (2011). Lean and Six Sigma: Empowering Continuous Improvement in Organizations. Cleveland, MS: College of Business, Delta State University.
Walden, C., Greenwood, A., Sheely, R. A., & Martin, W. (2011). Reshoring: Enhancing U.S. Global Competitiveness to Reclaim Critical Manufacturing Jobs within Automotive and Furniture Industry Clusters. U.S. Department of Commerce - Economic Development Adminstration. Atlanta, GA.
Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (2011). Rehoring: Reclaiming U.S. Manufacturing Global Competitiveness. U.S. Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration. Washington, DC.
Walden, C. (2011). Design of Experiments: Myth Buster. Canton, MS: Lawrence County Technology & Career Center.
Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (2011). Enhancing on the Job Problem Solving: Program Briefing to Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment Training Administration. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor.
Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (2011). Technology Acceleration and Adoption: Mississippi Industry. Gaithersburg, MD: NIST - Manufacturing Extension Partnership.
Walden, C. (2011). Engineering Engagement with Mississippi Industry. Ridgeland, MS: Madison-Ridgeland Rotary Club.
Hough, N., & Walden, C. (2011). Technology Prevents Bearing Failure at Brickworks. Siemens Automation Summit 2011. Orlando, FL.
Sheely, R. A., Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2011). Overview of CAVS Extension Capabilities. Workforce Summit. Mayhew, MS: Mississippi Corridor Consortium.
Walden, C. (2011). Engineering Careers. Madison County Youth Leadership. Canton, MS: Madison County Business League.
Bruce, L.M., & Walden, C. (2011). Economic Development and Industry Support. Engineering Advisory Board. Mississippi State, MS: Bagley College of Engineering.
Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (2011). Program Status Review - Enhancing on the Job Problem Solving. Jackson, MS: Strategic Workforce Investment Board.
Holt, R., Hill. T. W., Walden, C., & Greenwood, A. (2011). Pilot Tools for Linking Ship Design to Sipyard Simulation. ShipTech 2011. Biloxi, MS.
Walden, C., & Dennis, G. (2011). The Challenge of Rapid Problem Solving. Mississippi Engineering Society Winter Conference. Hilton Hotel - Jackson, MS.
Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2010). Military Vehicles Manufacturing Initiatives - Supporting Economic Development in NE Mississippi. Manufacturing Extension Partnership of Mississippi Advisory Board Meeting, Mississippi Manufacturers Association Office in Jackson, MS..
Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2010). Rapid Commercialization and Manufacturing of Military Vehicles. Presented at the University Economic Development Association Annual Summit in Reno, NV..
Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2010). Military Vehicle Mfg. Initiatives: Supporting Economic Development in NE Mississippi. Presented to National Institute of Standards & Technology - Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST-MEP) Executives from Washington, DC. at CAVS Extension in Canton, MS..
Holt, R., Simmons, L., Walden, C., Dennis, G., & Hill. T. W. (2010). Layout Analysis Using Discrete Event Simulation: A Case Study. IERC 2010, Cancun, Mexico.
Simmons, L., Holt, R., Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2010). Lean Implementation in a Low Volume Manufacturing Environment: a Case Study. IERC, Cancun, Mexico.
Walden, C. (2010). Perspectives on the Hidden Costs of Outsourcing. Strategy 2010: Competing in a Changing World. Bancorp South Convention Center, Tupelo, MS: Franklin Furniture Institute. [Abstract]
Holt, R., Walden, C., Eksioglu, S., McDowell, L., & Hill. T. W. (2009). Status Presentation of Aperstructure Program Manufacturing Process Flow Modeling Project. Northrup Grumman Ship Systems. Mississippi State University.
Walden, C. (2009). Engineering Engagement with Mississippi Industry. American Society for Quality , Central Mississippi Chapter 1504B. Canton, MS.
Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2009). Navistar Defense Briefing for 2009 MSU New Faculty. West Point, MS.
Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Holt, R., & Simmons, L. (2009). TK Wheel Alignment DOE Analysis. Canton, MS.
Holt, R., Hill. T. W., Walden, C., Eksioglu, S., & McDowell, L. (2009). Presentation of Aperstucture Manufacturing Process Flow Modeling Project. Northrup Grumman Ship Systems. Gulfport, Mississippi.
Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Holt, R., & Simmons, L. (2009). TK Alignment Analysis with Body Control Point Data. Canton, MS.
Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Holt, R., & Simmons, L. (2009). Wheel Alignment Analysis Using Metal Reference. Canton, MS.
Walden, C., Hill. T. W., Holt, R., & Simmons, L. (2009). Preliminary Analysis of TK Alignment Data. Canton, MS.
Walden, C. (2009). Engineering Engagement with Mississippi Industry. In Franklin Furniture Institute (Ed.), MSU Focus on Furniture. Mississippi State, MS.
Walden, C. (2009). Myth Buster: Introduction to Statistically Designed Experiments. Nissan-Canton Product Quality Assurance . Canton, MS: CAVS Extension.
Walden, C., & Dalton, L. (2009). Introduction to Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility. Engineering Engagement Workshop. Canton, MS: CAVS Extension.
Walden, C., & Dalton, L. (2009). ASQ Certified Quality Engineer - Exam Review. Engineering Engagement Workshop. Canton, MS: CAVS Extension.
Walden, C., & Holt, R. (2009). Presentation of Manufacturing Process Flow Modeling Task for NGSS Aperstructure Project.
Walden, C., & Dalton, L. (2009). ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt - Exam Review. Engineering Engagement Workshop. Canton, MS: CAVS Extension.
Walden, C., Simmons, L., Dennis, G., Holt, R., & Hill. T. W. (2008). Proposed Project Plan Presentation for Navistar Defense Warehouse Project.
Dennis, G., Walden, C., Simmons, L., & Sheely, R. A. (2008). Armored Vehicle Development at the Navistar Defense Plant in West Point, MS. MSU Executive Briefing, West Point, MS..
Hill. T. W., Holt, R., Simmons, L., Greenwood, A., & Walden, C. (2008). Naval Combat Group Supply Model (Flexsim Model). Northrop Grumman and NAVSEA.
Puryear, S., & Walden, C. (2008). Business Continuity Assessment and Plan Development. In Quarterly Meeting (Ed.), Manufacturing Extension Partnership of Mississippi. CAVS Extension, Canton, MS.
Walden, C. (2008). MSU and CAVS Extension: Engineering Engagement with Automotive Manufacturers. In Mississippi Automotive Manufacturers Association (Eds.), Nissan Training Center, Canton, MS.
Walden, C., Eksioglu, B., & Puryear, S. (2008). Analysis of Inbound Logistics: Prospective Automotive Assembly Sites. In Mississippi Departemnt of Transportation (Eds.), Technical Report. Jackson, MS.
Hill. T. W., Holt, R., Greenwood, A., & Walden, C. (2008). Simulation-Based Shipyard Panning System (DSS with Flexsim Model). VT Halter Marine and National Automotive Center.
Walden, C. (2008). Simulation Based Shipyard Planning System at Halter Marine. In National Shipbuilding Research Program (Eds.), Executive Control Board. San Diego, CA.
Walden, C. (2008). Myth Buster: Introduction to Design of Experiments. Industry-Education Partnership. Canton, MS.
Walden, C. (2008). Myth Buster: Introduction to Design of Experiments. Industry-Education Partnership. Canton, MS.
Walden, C., Dennis, G., & Sheely, R. A. (2008). CAVS Extension Mission and Armored Vehicle Development in West Point, MS. WALT "910 Talk Radio" . Meridian, MS.
Walden, C. (2008). Saving Soldiers Lives - Armored Vehicle Production in Mississippi. Advisory Board Meeting. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Manufacturers Association.
Walden, C., Morgan, S., & Tice, J. (2008). Lean-Sigma: An Overview for Manufacturers. Making Waves in Shipbuilding & Repair - GSSC 2008 Annual Conference. Biloxi, MS: Gulf States Shipbuilders Consortium.
Walden, C., & Goff, L. (2007). Lean Sigma Myth Buster: Introduction to Design of Experiments. In John J. Tice (Ed.), High Tech Conference. Mississippi TelCom Center, Jackson, MS: Mississippi Technology Alliance. [Document]
Dennis, G., Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (2007). The Role of CAVS Extension in the Launch of International Military and Government Facility in West Point, MS. Downtown Jackson Rotary Club. Jackson, MS.
Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2007). Role of CAVS Extension in Armored Vehicle Production in West Point, Mississippi. Starkville, MS Rotary Club. Starkville, MS.
Walden, C. (2007). Success Stories: CAVS Extension 2006-7. 2007 Summer Conference. Philadelphia, MS: Mississippi Economic Development Conference.
Walden, C. (2007). Overview of CAVS Extension for Economic Developers. In Industrial Outreach Service (Ed.), Economic Development Forum. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University. [Document Site]
Walden, C., & Hill. T. W. (2006). Simulating Lean Transformation in the Furniture Industry: Case Goods. United States Forestry Service, Wood Education and Resource Center. Princeton, WV..
Walden, C. (2002). Solving Product Flow Problems in Lean Manufacturing Using Simulation. 2002 Innovations in Modern Manufacturing . Center for Manufacturing Technology Excellence, East Mississippi Community College.
Walden, C. (). Myth Buster: Six Sigma. 2006 Lean Manufacturing Conference. Canton, MS: Hosted by Nissan and Mississippi State University. [Abstract]
Walden, C., & Hill. T. W. (). Simulating Lean Transformation in the Furniture Industry: Upholstery. United States Forestry Service . Franklin Institute, Mississippi State, MS: Wood Education and Resource Center.
Awards and Recognitions
Walden, C. (2014). John I. Rucker Community Innovation Leadership Award. Technology and Innovation Conference. Jackson, MS: Innovate Mississippi. [Abstract]
Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (2011). Excellence in Talent Development - Finalist. 2011 Summit. Indianapolis, IN: University Economic Development Association.
Walden, C., & Sheely, R. A. (2011). Finalist - 2011 Excellence in Talent Development. Annual Summit - 2011. Indianapolis, IN: University Economic Development Association.
Walden, C., & Dennis, G. (2010). 2010 Award of Excellence in in Business Assistance and Entreprenuership. Annual Summit - 2010. Reno, NV: University Economic Development Association.
Walden, C., & Rowland, Z. (2010). Delegate to the SEUS-CP Alliance. 2010 List of Delegates. Biloxi, MS: Mississippi Development Authority.
Walden, C. (2008). Nominated for 2008 Engineering Management Best Dissertation Award. Annual Conference. West Point, NY: American Society of Engineering Management.
Dennis, G., & Walden, C. (2008). 2008 MEP Practitioner of the Year. In Annual Conference (Ed.), Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Orlando, FL.
Thesis and Dissertation
Walden, C. (2007). A Taxonomy Based Assessment Methodology for Small and Medium Size Manufacturers. In Mississippi State University (Ed.), Dissertation. [Abstract]
Walden, C. (1990). An Analysis of Variables Control Charts in the Presence of Measurement Error. In Mississippi State University (Ed.), Master Thesis. [Abstract]