Charles Michael Gibson (Michael) 
Charles Michael (Michael)
Research Engineer

Curriculum Vitae not Provided


CAVS 2183

(662) 325-2057

Box 5405
200 Research Blvd
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Selected PublicationsTotal Publications:  9 
Jelinek, B., Henley, G., Card, A., Hannis, T., Gibson, C. M., Priddy, J., Boyle, S., Figueroa-Santos, M., & Mange, J. (2024). Vehicle-Level Control Systems Framework For Use In Create-GV Mercury Simulation. GVSETS 2024 conference proceedings. Novi, Michigan. [Abstract]

Jelinek, B., Salmon, J. E., Mason, G. L., Gibson, C. M., Hannis, T., Pachel, N., Jarrell, W., & Towne, B. (2021). SIMULATION STUDY OF LIGHT-WEIGHTING EFFECTS ON RIDE QUALITY AND MOBILITY. GVSETS 2021. Novi, Michigan. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]

Polk, A. C., Gibson, C. M., Shoemaker, N., Srinivasan, K. K., & Krishnan, S. R. (2013). Analysis of Ignition Behavior in a Dual Fuel Turbocharged Direct Injection Engine Using Propane and Methane as Primary Fuels. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 135(3), 032202-032202-1. DOI:10.1115/1.4023482.

Polk, A. C., Gibson, C. M., Shoemaker, N., Srinivasan, K. K., & Krishnan, S. R. (2013). Detailed Characterization of Diesel-ignited Propane and Methane Dual Fuel Combustion in a Turbocharged DI Diesel Engine. Proc. IMechE, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering. SAGE Publishers. 227(9), 1255-1272.

Shoemaker, N., Gibson, C. M., Polk, A. C., Krishnan, S. R., & Srinivasan, K. K. (2011). Performance and emissions characteristics of bio-diesel (B100)-ignited methane and propane combustion in a four cylinder turbocharged compression ignition engine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Trans. ASME. 134(8), 10. DOI:10.1115/1.4005993.