Fig 1. Example 2D LHS sample.
x = (xmax - xmin) * X + xmin
Where "x" is the parameter value, xmin is the parameter minimum, xmax is the parameter maximum, and X is the standard uniform value.
Converting LHS output from Standard Normal to Parameter Spacex = Z * σx + μx
Where "x" is the parameter value, σx is the parameter standard deviation, μx is the parameter mean value, and Z is the standard normal value.# Script for generating standard uniform/standard normal Latin-Hypercube samples # Parameter space is mapped to an array index space using integer truncation # Once array space is filled, a random value is generated within each cell # Array space is filled using strata index exclusion ''' Copyright (c) 2017 Justin M. Hughes Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random,sys,os from copy import deepcopy import scipy.stats as st def getIndex(val,h,minVal=0.0,maxVal=1.0): minIndex = int(float(minVal/h)) valIndex = int(float(val/h))-minIndex return valIndex def indexToEdge(dim,lEdge,h,minVal=0.0,maxVal=1.0): rEdge = deepcopy(lEdge) for i in range(0,len(lEdge)): for j in range(0,dim): lEdge[i][j] = getFloatVal(lEdge[i][j],h) rEdge[i][j] = lEdge[i][j]+h return lEdge,rEdge def getFloatVal(index,h,minVal=0.0,maxVal=1.0): return float(index*h+minVal) def initializeSpace(dim,numStrata,minVal=0.0,maxVal=1.0,debug='False'): dimList = [] for i in range(0,dim): dimList.append(numStrata) h = float((maxVal-minVal)/(numStrata)) return h,getIndex(maxVal,h) def buildList(dim,numStrata): eligibleIndices = [] iList = [] for i in range(0,numStrata): iList.append(i) for i in range(0,dim): eligibleIndices.append(iList) return eligibleIndices def getLimitedDraw(dim,eligibleIndices,history): # set eligible indices for each dimension indices = deepcopy(eligibleIndices) for ent in history: for i in range(0,dim): indices[i] = [x for x in indices[i] if x != ent[i]] point = [] for i in range(0,dim): point.append(random.choice(indices[i])) return point, indices def getDraw(dim,eligibleIndices,maxIndex,history): eIndex = deepcopy(eligibleIndices) #print(len(eIndex[0])) point = [0]*dim draws = 0 rejected = 0 invalid = [] while True: if history == []: # Initial random draw point = [np.random.randint(0,maxIndex) for x in point] history.append(point) #print(len(history)) break elif history != []: # Limited draw by limiting sample-able indices point,eIndex = getLimitedDraw(dim,eIndex,history) history.append(point) #print(len(history)) break ''' #iterate over each index, compare to history for ent in history: for i in range(0,dim): if point[i] == ent[i]: invalid.append("True") else: invalid.append("False") if "True" in invalid: draws += 1 rejected += 1 else: draws += 1 history.append(point) break ''' return list(point),history,eIndex def convertToRandomCDF(dim,history,h): #Get bin left edge leftEdge = deepcopy(history) rightEdge = deepcopy(history) #iterate over leftEdge, convert ints to floats leftEdge, rightEdge = indexToEdge(dim,leftEdge,h) randCDFVal = deepcopy(leftEdge) for i in range(0,len(leftEdge)): for j in range(0,dim): randCDFVal[i][j] = float(np.random.uniform(leftEdge[i][j],0.999999*rightEdge[i][j],1)) return randCDFVal def CDFtoNorm(CDF): dim = len(CDF[0]) CDF = deepcopy(CDF) for i in range(0,len(CDF)): for j in range(0,dim): CDF[i][j] = st.norm.ppf(CDF[i][j]) return CDF def wtf(data,filename): f = open(filename,'w') for ent in data: for thing in ent: f.write(str(thing)+',') f.write('\n') f.close() def sample(dim,numSamples,ratio): numStrata = numSamples # Try getting different random points in the array space # to satisfy nearest-neighbor constraint # In 3 tries, get another LH sample and go again sampleNum = 0 while True: history = [] h,maxIndex = initializeSpace(dim,numStrata) eIndices = buildList(dim,numStrata) # Maximum radius within a single cell minRadius = h*np.sqrt(dim) for i in range(0,numSamples): point,history,eIndices = getDraw(dim,eIndices,maxIndex,history) sampleNum += 1 print("Sampling Latin-Hypercube array space (%s)" %(sampleNum)) tries = 0 while True: randUniform = convertToRandomCDF(dim,history,h) randStandardNorm = CDFtoNorm(randUniform) tries += 1 wtf(randUniform,'utemp.csv') wtf(randStandardNorm,'ntemp.csv') cols = range(0,dim) randUniform = np.genfromtxt('utemp.csv',delimiter=',',usecols=cols) randStandardNorm = np.genfromtxt('ntemp.csv',delimiter=',',usecols=cols) uninnd = nnd(randUniform) normnnd = nnd(randStandardNorm) sampleMin = np.nanmin(uninnd) sampleMinNorm = np.nanmin(normnnd) print(sampleMin,sampleMinNorm,ratio*minRadius) if tries == 3: break if sampleMin > ratio*minRadius and sampleMinNorm > ratio*minRadius: break if sampleMin > ratio*minRadius and sampleMinNorm > ratio*minRadius: break os.remove(os.getcwd()+'/utemp.csv') os.remove(os.getcwd()+'/ntemp.csv') return randUniform,randStandardNorm def nnd(a): # For each sample, get the nearest neighbor w.r.t. each variable b = np.zeros((a.shape[0],a.shape[0]),dtype=float) for i in range(0,b.shape[0]): for j in range(0,b.shape[0]): b[i,j] = radius(a[j,:] - a[i,:]) if i == j: b[i,j] = 10e3 return b def radius(v): a = np.nansum(v*v) return np.sqrt(a) def help(): # Displays help in terminal print("\n\tPython script for generating Latin Hypercube samples") print("\nUsage:\n\t\tpython dimensions samples cellRatio\n") print("\tdimensions: number of dimensions in hypercube") print("\tsamples: number of samples per dimension") print("\tcellRatio: ratio of the cell maximum radius for") print("\t nearest-neighbor limit (default=1.0)") print("\t Higher ratios force more a space-filling") print("\t sample, higher chance of no solution") print("\n\tOutputs: Uniform.csv, StandardNormal.csv") print("\n\tConvert uniform values to variable values") print("\t\tvar = range*value + min") print("\n\tConvert standard normal values to variable values") print("\t\tvar = stdev*value + mean") sys.exit("\nHelp called, exiting...") if __name__ == "__main__": try: if str(sys.argv[1]) == '-help' or str(sys.argv[1]) == '-h': help() except IndexError: help() try: dim = int(sys.argv[1]) except: dim = 2 try: numSamples = int(sys.argv[2]) except: numSamples = 10 try: minRatio = float(sys.argv[3]) except: minRatio = 1.0 # Get standard normal and standard uniform samples uni,std = sample(dim,numSamples,minRatio) np.savetxt('StandardUniform.csv',uni,delimiter=',') np.savetxt('StandardNormal.csv',std,delimiter=',') if dim == 2: h = 1.0/numSamples for i in range(1,numSamples): plt.plot((0,1),(i*h,i*h),'k--',linewidth=1) plt.plot((i*h,i*h),(0,1),'k--',linewidth=1) plt.plot(uni[:,0],uni[:,1],'ro') plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.xlabel('X',fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Y',fontsize=18) plt.xlim(0,1) plt.ylim(0,1) plt.savefig("LHS_2D_example") plt.clf()