Gregory J. Henley (Greg) 
Gregory J. (Greg)
Research Engineer

Curriculum Vitae not Provided


CAVS 1215

(662) 325-4587

Completed B.S., Math & Computer Science in 1985, and M.S., Computer Science in 1988 at Mississippi State University (MSU). Considerable experience in parallel and distributed computing beginning with position as Research Engineer in Electrical Engineering Dept. at MSU for 2 years and co-developed compilers for both C-based and Fortran-based message passing languages with object oriented features.

In 1990 became Research Associate at MSU/NSF Engineering Research Center, developing performance monitoring and debugging tools for parallel programs, including profiling libraries for Message Passing Interface (MPI) and multithread aware device drivers for custom performance monitoring hardware and a Global Positioning System (GPS)- based performance monitoring system. In high speed networking, wrote custom high-performance network control programs and an interface library for Myrinet. Co-developed the first functional implementation of MPI/RT (MPI real-time) called Inertia.

In 2001, joined Extreme Networks as software engineer, developing, implementing, and testing IEEE MPLS, RSVP-TE, and HVPLS standards and drafts for Extreme Networks hardware and troubleshooting existing software.

In 2003, joined the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems at MSU, developing, implementing, testing, and extending JAVA-based software to extract geometry information from multiple 2-dimensional AutoCAD files (and store in a MySQL relational database) for re-creation of a 3-D model for Fire and Smoke simulation. Performed design work on a Motion Data Server for storage, query, and retrieval of motion capture data. Conducted research on speedup of simulations of electrical transmission systems (land and ship) by applying parallelization and high-performance computing (HPC) technology. Developed software to automate determination of relay settings for transmission systems. Is member of team developing powertrain modeling and simulation software.
Research Interest
Parallel and distributed computing and simulation environments, performance monitoring of parallel/distributed applications, web portal technology and its application to scientific computing, programming tools, vehicle & powertrain modeling and simulation, offroad autonomous vehicle technology.
Biking, Music (listening/playing/learning various instruments), Gardening (eating homegrown veggies), Volleyball, Racquetball, target practice, riding ATVs.
Selected PublicationsTotal Publications:  15 
Jelinek, B., Henley, G., Card, A., Hannis, T., Gibson, C. M., Priddy, J., Boyle, S., Figueroa-Santos, M., & Mange, J. (2024). Vehicle-Level Control Systems Framework For Use In Create-GV Vehicle Dynamics Simulations. GVSETS 2024 conference proceedings. Novi, Michigan. [Abstract]

Haupt, T., Henley, G., Parihar, B., Kirkland, R., Floyd, J., Scheffey, J., Tatem, P., & Williams, F. (2010). User Manual for Graphical User Interface Version 2.10 with Fire and Smoke Simulation Model (FSSIM) Version 1.2. Naval Research Laboratory Technical Report NRL/MR/6180--10-9244. Washington, DC: Naval Research Laboratory. 1-112. [Abstract]

Henley, G., Haupt, T., Parihar, B., & Williams, F. W. (2008). FireGUI: A Software Tool for Predicting Fire and Smoke Spread on Ships. Biloxi, MS: American Society of Naval Engineers. [Abstract] [Document Site]

Haupt, T., Bangalore, P., & Henley, G. (2002). Mississippi Computational Web Portal. Concurrency and Computation: Experience and Practice. 2002(13).

Haupt, T., Bangalore, P., & Henley, G. (2001). A Computational Web Portal for the Distributed Marine Environment Forecast System. International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2110, 104-113.