Matthew W. Priddy 
Matthew W.

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CAVS 2163

Selected PublicationsTotal Publications:  14 
Camacho, P., Betts, J. L., & Priddy, M. W. (2024). Development of Representative Volume Element for Electromagnetic Characterization of a Heterogenous Geomaterial. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 87615, V004T04A062. DOI:10.1115/IMECE2023-111758. [Document Site]

Failla, D. P., Jr., Dantin, M., Nguyen, C., & Priddy, M. W. (2024). Material Model Fidelity Comparison for the Efficacy of Predicting Residual Stresses in L-PBF Additively Manufactured IN718 Components. In Guido Di Bella (Ed.), Metals. MDPI. 14(11), 1210. [Document Site]

Peterson, L. A., Failla, D. P., Jr., Priddy, M. W., & Sherburn, J. A. (2024). Evaluation of Two Constitutive Modeling Approaches for Finite Element Simulation of Ballistic Impact of Varying Thickness Monolithic Aluminum Plates by Steel Spheres. International Journal of Protective Structures. 204141962412714. DOI:10.1177/20414196241271446. [Abstract] [Document Site]

Betts, J. L., Sampson, Bradley J., Lindsey, K., Brinkley, F. M., & Priddy, M. W. (2024). Reduction of Process Induced Porosity for Ultrafuse 316L through Parameter Optimization of Creality Ender 3 V2 and Makerbot Method X. Crystals. MDPI. 14(3), 285. DOI:10.3390/cryst14030285. [Abstract] [Document Site]

Hensley, C., Betts, J. L., Nguyen, C., & Priddy, M. W. (2024). ODBP: Modern Data Processing for Additive Manufacturing Thermal Models in Abaqus. Software Impacts. Elsevier. 21, 100676. DOI:10.1016/j.simpa.2024.100676. [Abstract] [Document Site]