SungKwang Mun (Sungkwang) 
SungKwang (Sungkwang)

Curriculum Vitae not Provided


CAVS 2182-A

(662) 325-0482

Mailstop 5405
200 Research Blvd.
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Research Interest
Image/Video processing, Molecular Dynamics, Force-field development, Optimization, Machine Learning
Selected PublicationsTotal Publications:  20 
Ababtin, S. A., Adibi, S., Mun, S., Dickel, D. E., Gwaltney, S. R., Novotny, M.A., Baskes, M. I., & Horstemeyer, M. (2022). Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Behavior Using the Modified Embedded Atom Method with Bond Order (MEAMBO). Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.. 30, 035004. DOI:10.1088/1361-651X/ac4d75.

Dickel, D. E., Mun, S., Baskes, M. I., Gwaltney, S. R., Prabhu, R., & Horstemeyer, M. (2022). Density Functional Theory and Bridging to Classical Interatomic Force Fields. In R. K. Prabhu and M. F. Horstemeyer (Eds.), in Multiscale Biomechanical Modeling of the Brain. Academic Press. 39-52. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-818144-7.00007-4.

Bowman, A., Mun, S., Huddleston, B. D., Gwaltney, S. R., Baskes, M. I., & Horstemeyer, M. (2021). A Nanoscale Study of Size Scale, Strain Rate, Temperature, and Stress State Effects on Damage and Fracture of Polyethylene. Mech. Mater.. 161, 104008. DOI:10.1016/j.mechmat.2021.104008.

Dickel, D. E., Gwaltney, S. R., Mun, S., Baskes, M. I., & Horstemeyer, M. (2018). Dispersion-Corrected Modified Embedded-Atom Method Bond Order Interatomic Potential for Sulfur. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 122(49), 9572–9578. DOI:10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07410.

Mun, S., Bowman, A., Nouranian, S., Gwaltney, S. R., Baskes, M. I., & Horstemeyer, M. (2017). Interatomic Potential for Hydrocarbons on the Basis of the Modified Embedded-Atom Method with Bond Order (MEAM-BO). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. ACS Publications. 121(7), 1502–1524. DOI:10.1021/acs.jpca.6b11343. [Document]