North America's Premier Collegiate Automotive Engineering Competition

Mississippi State undergraduate and graduate students are redesigning a Chevrolet Camaro for EcoCAR, a series of multi-year competitions working to develop the next generation of leaders in the automotive industry.


The EcoCAR 3 competition focused on improving fuel efficiency and exhaust emissions of a Chevrolet Camaro, while retaining performance features and keeping the Camaro tradition alive.

The Mississippi State University EcoCAR team is a student-led organization that develops future leaders in engineering and business — who can design, build and market fuel-efficient and eco-friendly vehicles.

Continually selected as one of 16 North American universities to compete in the EcoCAR competition, MSU teams placed first overall in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012, and maintain high ranks within presentation and event categories.

The current competition, EcoCar Mobility Challenge, kicked off in 2018. The Mississippi State team has been tasked with improving the fuel efficiency, autonomy capability and consumer acceptability for mobility as a service of a Chevrolet Blazer, all while retaining the vehicle’s performance features.

Throughout the four-year competition, we will strive to repeat MSU’s historical success in the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge, while continuing to set a basis for success in future competitions.

msu ecocar team

EcoCAR Mobility Challenge Year One team leads and faculty advisor Dr. Randy Follett with the Chevrolet Blazer.

Through building the car of tomorrow, we bridge the gap between academia and industry today

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The product of the EcoCar2 competition, themed "Plugging into the Future"

With team members hailing from different academic disciplines, the competition has a university-wide reach, uniting students for the common goal of engineering a successful EcoCAR.

Although strongly focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, team responsibilities include skillsets focused on project management, communication, innovation, controls, and simulation, among others, allowing any Mississippi State student to find their place working with EcoCAR.

To get involved with MSU’s EcoCAR3 team, contact Project Manager Timothy Wunrow.

For more information on the team or outreach events, contact Communications Manager Chloe Madison.

Headlining sponsors of the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge are the U.S. Department of Energy, General Motors and MathWorks. For more information on the EcoCar Mobility Challenge, click here.

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The team members representing MSU in EcoCar: The NeXt Challenge