Part 2 - Upscale Dislocation Forest Hardening to Crystal Plasticity
- Run a one-element finite element simulation using the Voce hardening law
with one crystal orientation.
- Plot a stress strain curve for each set of hardening constants.
- Report on your results.
Environment Setup
This part of the assignment can be completed in either ABAQUS on a Mississippi State computer, or any other
fully licensed Abaqus, or on Calculix, a free,
open-source FEA solver. You can find a tutorial for the ABAQUS CPFEM setup and
For either software, you will need all of the input files for CPFEM in an
aluminum material found here. If you are using a
bcc material, save this file as and use it instead of
For Calculix, also download the additional umat files and compile as described
Single Crystal CPFEM Simulation
Step 1
Create the input file.
(Hint: Calculix and Abaqus can take the same input files.)
- Create a cube
- Constrain the cube so that all rigid body displacements and rotations are
- Constrain one corner of the cube to be fixed in all directions
- Constrain two adjacent nodes to be fixed in the direction of loading. Make
sure that these 3 nodes are all in a plane which is perpendicular to the
direction of loading.
- Constrain one of these two adjacent nodes to be fixed in a second
direction, such that this node cannot rotate about the fixed corner of the
- Mesh the cube such that only a single element is created.
- Add a displacement to the face opposite of the constrained face, such that
a large strain is applied to the cube.
- Create a material section and apply it to the cube.
- Add a material to the cube (in Calculix, name it XTAL)
- Set the number of dependent variables (*DEPVAR) equal to the number of
grains times 70.
- Set the material to be a user material with two mechanical constants: #1 =
1; #2 = 1.
- Do not forget to apply this material to the Section
An example Calculix input file can be found here.
Make sure you save the file with a *.inp extension NOT a *.txt extension.
In this file, the displacement can be controlled from the following lines:
*Boundary, Amplitude=Stretch
Ndisp, 3,3, 0.75
3,3 to control the direction of displacement, where
= x, 2 = y, 3 = z. Change
0.75 to control the magnitude and
direction (+/-) of the displacement.
Step 2
Set up the CPFEM input files.
In the umat_xtal.f file, edit the line
data filePath
& /'/cavs/cmd/data1/users/qma/abaqus_xtalplas/oneelement/'/
to be the directory where your crystal plasticity inputs are stored.
(FOR CALCULIX) Comment out the line
include 'ABA_PARAM.INC'
by adding a "c" to the beginning of the line.
Edit the texture.txti file to include only a single crystal.
- Change the first line to 1
- Leave the second line!
- Leave only one of the lines containing the Euler angles for the crystal
In the test.xtali input file, change the second number on the first line to 1,
for the number of grains.
Make sure the line with / single crystal input file
is updated to reflect the crystal structure of your material.
Step 3
Change the single crystal input file ( or to match that of your
material The following lines need to be edited with the single crystal elastic
constants of your material:
108.2e3 61.3e3 28.5e3 / c11(c1), c12(c2), c44(c3) / # These numbers should match c11, c12, and c44 for your material
Then, for each slip system in use, edit these lines with the values calculated
Task 2, or Part 1 of this task.
2.e-5 / bdrag / # This should match the drag coefficient obtained in Task 2
35.5 39.5 1.85 0.0-4 5.0e10 / h0, tausi, taus0, xms, gamss0 / # The first three should match the values obtained in Part 1
Step 4
Run the simulation
The finite element simulation can be run locally, as it is a very small
For Abaqus, run the job with
abaqus job=<YOUR_INPUTFILE_NAME> user=umat_xtal.f
If you wish to increase the number of CPUs to process the job faster, insert
"cpus=12" at the end of the above command. The max number of CPUs raptor allows
a single user is 12.
Similarly, for Calculix, run the job with
For both, make sure to enter the job name without the ".inp" extension.
Step 5
Access the results
- ABAQUS simulation output is stored in an output database file with
extension ".odb". ODB files can be visualized and post processed in ABAQUS CAE
- Calculix output can be found in the ".dat" files. You can use this script to convert it to an element averaged
Task Assignment
- Plot the single crystal stress-strain curves from the single element
simulation for tension, compression, and torsion (simple shear).
Room for Improvement
As with the previous tasks, improve the tutorial(s) by adding/modifying the
ICME website for:
- Dislocation dynamics (MDDP)
- Crystal Plasticity