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Publications for: Matthew A. Lee
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Lee, M., Ball, J. E., & Anderson, D. (2016). Background Adaptive Filtering of Hand-held Ground Penetrating Radar for Explosive Hazard Detection. Electronics. 1, 1.

Lee, M., Anderson, D., Ball, J. E., & Younan, N. H. (2015). Performance Measure-Based Band Group Selection for Task Specific Multispectral Sensor Design. Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. 45(62), 1-30.

Lee, M., Huang, Y., Yao, H., Thomson, S. J., & Bruce, L.M. (2014). Determining the Effects of Storage on Cotton and Soybean Leaf Samples for Hyperspectral Analysis. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING. 7(6), 2562-2570.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Lee, M., Anderson, D., Ball, J. E., & White, J. (2016). Background Adaptive Division Filtering for Hand-held Ground Penetrating Radar. SPIE. Baltimore, MD: SPIE Defence and Security. [Abstract]

Lee, M., Anderson, D., Ball, J. E., & Younan, N. H. (2015). Multispectral Sensor Design Using Performance Measure-Based Hyperspectral Band Grouping. IGARSS 2015. Milan, Italy.

Lee, M., Huang, Y., Yao, H., Thomson, S. J., & Bruce, L. (2014). Determining the Effects of Storage on Cotton and Soybean Leaf Samples for Hyperspectral Analysis. 2014 IEEE. EEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 7(6). DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2330521. [Abstract] [Document]

Aanstoos, J.V., Hasan, K., O'Hara C., Dabbiru, L., Mahrooghy, M., Nobrega, R. A. A., & Lee, M. (2012). Detection of Slump Slides on Earthen Levees Using Polarimetric SAR Imagery. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Washington, DC: IEEE. [Abstract] [Document]

Aanstoos, J.V., Hasan, K., O'Hara C., Prasad, S., Dabbiru, L., Mahrooghy, M., Gokaraju, B., Lee, M., & Nobrega, R. A. A. (2011). Earthen Levee Monitoring with Synthetic Aperture Radar. Proc. IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Washington, DC: IEEE. [Abstract] [Document]